Health Education Association of Nepal (HEAN) in Collaboration with the Central Department of Education, TU in support of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Nepal is going to organize an international conference on“Advancing Health Education Research and Innovation“ dated 12 – 13 April 2025 (30 – 31 Chaitra 2081 BS). We would call the abstract for presentation.
Details of the Program:
Abstracts based on original research can be submitted at the conference. However, meta-analysis, scoping review, or any scientific review papers contributing to advancing health education research and innovation are welcome. The abstract should be submitted on any of the following sub-themes:
- School health and nutrition program
- Health education curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment
- Noncommunicable diseases, mental health, and environmental/eco-health
- Professionalism in health education and promotion
- ICT and AI in health education and health promotion
- Participatory/Action Research in Health Education
- Sexuality education, gender-based violence, and menstrual health
- Social and behavioral determinants of health
- Recent trends in health education and research
- 21st-century skills for health education and health promotion
- Health promotion among women, children, and elderly people
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- Medium: English language
- Words: Maximum 300 words
- Font and Size: Times New Roman 12”
- Line spacing: Single ; Before: 0 ; After: 0
- The abstract should follow the following format:
- Background
- Objective
- Methods/Approaches
- Results/Practices/Implications/Outcomes
- Conclusions
Mode of Submission:
The abstract can be submitted via Google link:
If you have any queries or problems while submitting the abstract, please contact the following email address:
Notification of Submission Outcomes:
All abstracts will undergo a double-blind peer review process. The scientific committee will decide whether the abstract could be accepted for oral presentation or poster. The presenting author should send a short bio of less than 60 words, including affiliation. Registration details of the presenters and delegates will be notified after the acceptance of the abstract.
For more information, please visit the following websites:
Health Education Association of Nepal
Central Department of Education
Contact Details:
Dr. Bhagwan Aryal (9851227555)
Dr. Devaraj Acharya (9857012250)
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Due Date: 31 February 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 10 March 2025